My work explores the spaces of my every day life and the imagined landscapes that shape my everyday experience. I am interested in spaces of ambiguity and conflation; how identities, concepts, and places can merge yet appear as one single image. My work uses figuration and color to express my affinities; my process is at once intuitive and conceptual, and the product is rarely what I originally conceived. With concentrated gusto and effort, the painting process is similar to throwing a pile of clothes on the floor and then picking up, folding, and reorganizing them into piles until they suddenly belong just as they are.

I use imagery from my own life and also images culled from internet searches, personal photographs, sketches from life, vivid memories, and literary passages. Paint is a material that lends itself to building up and wiping away, a language of representation that holds on to an in-between state, like memory. Painting is my way of collecting, organizing, and articulating intangible sensations and observations that I otherwise could not express.